China ... India

Here are a couple of articles from the New York Times.  The China piece is about using PPP versus nominal exchange rates to compare economic size - an issue which IMHO does not deserve the kind of attention it seems to be getting in 'policy circles'.  The average person does not care about size - they care about the amount of money in their pocket.

The India piece is more intriguing.  It compares the downturn in the US and some European countries to the deindustrialization of India in the 18th and 19th centuries (the background academic piece on the deindustrialization in India is here).  Although the NYT article mentions Italy and France and some southern European countries.  The argument probably also applies to Spain which we discussed recently.  France and Italy have been in the news lately because they have been lagging on reforms.  Generally the story goes something like this ... Agriculture is not a huge contributor to the economy anymore in terms of its share of output and employment (and as we discussed earlier, it is highly subsidized and distorted). Manufacturing in Europe has been hit by China - Germany is really the only country which still does manufacturing really well. Meanwhile, Europeans now acknowledge that Lisbon Agenda has been a failure - so in essence, Europe has not managed to catch up to the US in IT.  So really there are no productive outlets available.  Add to this the poor business environment and the inflexibilities in the labour market - and you are going to get stagnation. It's no wonder all the money went to construction and real estate (and therefore Finance) during the boom.  It still is - look at the UK - the economy is on an upturn, but in the last couple of years a lot of money has gone back into real estate because interest rates are low. Of course the British government likes to pretend that this is because there is a shortage of housing. There may be, but real estate is still driving London, and London is driving the rest of Britain. Sure there is some IT happening in London but not nearly as much as the Brits would like or have us believe - the problem it appears, is a shortage of venture capital - for that, they need to head to America.

Unemployment and Spain

Here are some articles from the NYT and The Economist on Spain and an interesting podcast from Planet Money (NPR) on one Caja in Spain.

This article explains the different types of unemployment: Frictional, Cyclical, Structural.

And then I have a series of articles on Spain from 2009 to 2014.  The 2009 article is explaining the dual labour market in Spain (something we talked about).  The more recent articles (2012-2014) are about reforms.

This is a recent article on the Spanish recovery from the NYT, apparently things are finally back to where they were before the crisis.  So it has taken a decade.

And a podcast from NPR on Cajasur in Cordoba